Online International Workshop on
Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems
Date: August 16-20, 2021
Platform: Zoom
Host: School of Philosophy, Wuhan University
Participation: If you would like to participate online, please write to [email protected] to register for the participation.
Related Conference: The international conference "Celebrating 90 Years of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems" in Nürtingen (Germany) from 5 to 9 July 2021.
Gödel's incompleteness theorems published in 1931 are some of the most important and profound results in the foundations of mathematics, and have had wide influence on the development of logic, philosophy, mathematics, computer science as well as other fields. This year 2021 is the 90th year after the publication of Gödel's incompleteness theorems. The motivation of this workshop is to promote the academic communication of the recent development of the research related to the well known incompleteness theorems.
The topics of this workshop include (but not limited to) the following issues of incompleteness:
Different proofs of incompleteness
Incompleteness and provability logic
Incompleteness and self-reference
The limit of applicability of incompleteness
Incompleteness and computability theory
Hilbert's program and incompleteness
Concrete incompleteness in mathematics
Incompleteness and philosophy of mathematics
Intensionality of incompleteness
Incompleteness in weak arithmetics
All invited speakers are expected to give a talk either about the survey of his/her research on incompleteness or about his/her recent work related to incompleteness in the above listed fields, or the combination of the two.
This workshop is organized by School of Philosophy at Wuhan University. We would like to thank the host Wuhan University, as well as the support from the Kurt Gödel Society and the Proof Society.
Organising committee (order by name):
Yong Cheng (Wuhan University, China)
Albert Visser (University of Utrecht, Netherlands)
Andreas Weiermann (Ghent University, Belgium)
Yue Yang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Invited Speakers
Juan P. Aguilera (University of Ghent, Belgium)
Matthias Baaz (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Lev D. Beklemishev (Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia)
Ali Enayat (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
David Fernandez-Duque (University of Ghent, Belgium)
Juliet Floyd (Boston University, USA)
Anton Freund (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)
Harvey Friedman (Ohio State University, USA)
Balthasar Grabmayr (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany)
Volker Halbach (Oxford University, UK)
Emil Jeřábek (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech)
Joost J. Joosten (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Juliette C. Kennedy (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Julia F. Knight (University of Notre Dame, USA)
Stanislaw Krajewski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Saul Aaron Kripke (City University of New York, USA)
Taishi Kurahashi (Kobe University, Japan)
Fedor Pakhomov (University of Ghent, Belgium)
Pavel Pudlák (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech)
Michael Rathjen (University of Leeds, UK)
Saeed Salehi (University of Tabriz, Iran)
Sam Sanders (The Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)
Wilfried Sieg (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
James Walsh (Cornell University, USA)
The program (pdf) is available here.

Slides and Videos
Here are the slides:
Volker Halbach: Self-reference and intensionality in metamathematics
Stanislaw Krajewski: Can our understanding of numbers be programmed into a computer?
Michael Rathjen: Hilbert’s program and (semi) Intuitionism
Harvey Friedman: Aspects of Gödel incompleteness
Juliet Floyd: Truth in Early Wittgenstein and Gödel
Saul Aaron Kripke: A Model-Theoretic Approach to Gödel’s Theorem
Saeed Salehi: Some Fairies in the Incompleteness Wonderland
Lev D. Beklemishev: Strictly positive provability logics: recent progress and open questions
Julia F. Knight: Completions of PA and omega-models of KP
Juan P. Aguilera: The Pi^1_2 Consequences of a theory
David Fernandez-Duque: When Ackermann meets Goodstein
Wilfried Sieg: Gödel in AProS
James Walsh: On the hierarchy of natural theories
Ali Enayat: Tight Theories
Taishi Kurahashi: Inclusions between quantified provability logics
Balthasar Grabmayr: A Step Towards Absolute Versions of Metamathematical Results
Anton Freund: Independence without computational strength
Matthias Baaz: Incompleteness and attempted proofs of consistency
Fedor Pakhomov: Could we make second-incompleteness theorem side condition free?
Sam Sanders: On two topics dear to Kurt Gödel
Juliette C. Kennedy: Gödel and the Scope Problem: From Incompleteness to Extended Constructibility
Joost J. Joosten: Minimal Logics for Incompleteness
Emil Jeřábek: Hereditarily bounded sets
Pavel Pudlák: Incompleteness theorems for weak theories of arithmetic and some stronger versions of the incompleteness theorem
The videos of the lectures at this workshop can be found here for foreign people and here for local people.